Live a purposeful life

عش حياة هادفة

All people want to live a purposeful life. How can you live purposefully day in and day out? A Year of Purposeful Living, Two Core Processes: Meditation and Activation. Live a purposeful life Meditation Meditation looks for answers to questions about who you are, how you should live, and where you belong. Reflective practices such […]

9 reasons why drinking coffee is good for you

9 أسباب تجعل شرب القهوة مفيدا لك

Drinking coffee. Whether you’re cuddling a travel mug on your way to work or rushing away after a workout class to refuel, it’s hard to imagine a day without it. Caffeine gives you a feeling of uplift, and there’s something incredibly calming about sipping on a steamy coffee. Is drinking coffee good for you? Coffee […]

The 7 best foods and drinks to eat before bed

أفضل 7 أطعمة ومشروبات يجب تناولها قبل النوم

There are certain foods and drinks to have before bed to get a good sleep that are very important for your overall health. It may reduce your risk of some chronic diseases, keep your brain healthy, and boost your immune system. It is generally recommended to get 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each […]

Top 8 health benefits of garlic

أهم 8 فوائد صحية للثوم

The health benefits of garlic have existed for thousands of years, before the spice was used to flavor favorite dishes, it was used as a medicinal remedy in ancient cultures. The health benefits of garlic were used by the Chinese, Egyptian and Roman civilizations. There is extensive documentation of their use of garlic for its […]

Can eating fish increase the risk of cancer?

هل يمكن أن يزيد تناول السمك من خطر الإصابة بالسرطان؟

Can fish consumption raise the cancer risk? A study examines if fish eaters are more likely to acquire skin cancer. If you are attempting to maintain a healthy diet, fish is an excellent option. Moreover, fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and numerous other nutrients. Eating more fish can mean […]

Preparing healthy and Safety food

تحضير الأكل الصحي والسليم

healthy and Safety food also includes preparing food to preserve nutrients and prevent disease, as well as taking care of food production issues.   Healthy and proper cooking When preparing food, aim to preserve the nutritional value of the food and use healthy fats, reasonable amounts, and whole foods. Here are some tips: Use healthy […]

10 Versatile Foods

10 أطعمة متعددة الاستخدامات بإمكانيات لا حدود لها

There are plenty of versatile foods out there that have limitless possibilities and stand out for their own distinct taste: pasta belongs in cheese and onions can be overwhelming, but what about foods that work no matter what you make with them? Various foods can be used as a blank plate for endless recipes. Read […]

What is a good way to gain weight if you are underweight?

زيادة الوزن (1)

Weight Gain? Some may wonder about the benefits of weight gain, although most people want to lose weight dramatically. Although being thin can often be healthy, being underweight can be a concern if it is the result of poor diet, if you are pregnant or have other health issues. Therefore, if you are underweight, see […]

Eating and exercising: 5 tips to increase your workouts

Eating and exercising 5 tips to increase your workouts (1)

Knowing when and what to eat can make a difference in your workouts. Understand the relationship between eating and exercise. Eating and exercising go hand in hand. When and what you eat can be important to how you feel when you exercise, whether it’s casual exercise or training for a competition. Keep these eating and […]