Spread Dating Is Perfect For Go-Getters — Here's What To Know

As much as spread dating has its benefits, that doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. For example, if you’re the romantic sort, dating this way may be tricky because you could possibly find yourself falling for too many people at once. Or you may find yourself smitten with one person, but you continue to date others because that’s what spread dating is. Neither case is good or beneficial to you.

“People with that disposition might find the prospect of juggling multiple partners stressful, and it might not be in line with their personal ethics,” relationships expert Emma Hathorn told YahooLife. “It’s all about the individual’s head space and approach to life.”

If you think, or rather know that you can date without emotions, share your time with multiple individuals, and be honest with yourself about your needs and wants, spread dating might be the trend your life has been missing. It’s just important to make it clear to the people you’re seeing that you’re dating more than one person at the moment, so everyone is on the same page and all expectations are realistic. As much as spread dating is about your finding the best person for you, no one else should have their feelings hurt due to misunderstandings along your journey to find the one. 


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