The Simple Tip That Can Help You Keep In Touch With Friends As An Adult

When it comes to maintaining friendships, Alexia Dellner at Pure Wow decided that the first Sunday of every month would be a day that she would reach out to a friend and catch up. Although you don’t have to do it the first Sunday of every month — you can do it the second Thursday of every month, for example — you just need a time that you set aside for your friends.

“Whether that’s meeting for lunch, responding to texts in a timely fashion, or scheduling a Zoom happy hour, it’s important to set aside time to connect with one another,” couples therapist Mac Stanley Cazeau, LMHC told WebMD. It really doesn’t matter how you and your friend choose to spend your time with each other as long as you do it and put quality over quantity. If there’s anything we took from Covid it’s that we can have fun with our friends, like over Zoomtinis, even when we can’t be in the exact same place at the same time as them. If your friend is on the other side of the globe, or a few blocks up the street but has a napping baby so they can’t stop by, technology is there to save the day in its own way.


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