This is a detailed explanation of the Resistance Exercise Schedule for Beginners.

We will provide you with a comprehensive explanation of the most effective resistance exercise schedule for beginners, including the most critical recommendations for maximizing the benefits of the exercises, as well as a straightforward explanation of how to adhere to the exercise and diet. Please follow us. 
Resistance exercises are an effective method for enhancing physical structure and fitness by increasing strength and muscle mass. Novices may initially perceive resistance exercises as a complex and challenging task; however, by adhering to a customized and professional-established schedule, they can make rapid progress and achieve results.
In our current article, we examine the optimal resistance exercise regimen for novices, providing a comprehensive explanation of the exercise’s benefits and proper execution, as well as the most critical strategies for optimizing its effectiveness. 

 What is the benefit of engaging in resistance exercises? 

Resistance exercises are indispensable for individuals who prioritize their physical and mental well-being.

The following points succinctly encapsulate the numerous advantages these exercises offer:

  • Strengthening muscles: Resistance exercises induce the release of constructive hormones in the human body, resulting in an increase in endurance, general strength, and muscle size. 
  • Enhancing physical fitness: These exercises indirectly assist your body muscles in performing daily tasks in a simpler and less taxing manner.
  • Enhanced overall health: Resistance exercises are particularly beneficial for maintaining overall body health, as they substantially reduce the risk of chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes. 
  • Improving mood: Resistance exercises aid in the secretion of certain hormones that are effective in promoting happiness, including dopamine and endorphins.

These hormones are known to reduce tension and enhance one’s psychological well-being. 

The beginners’ resistance exercise regimen will last for an entire month.

It is crucial for novices in the field of bodybuilding to follow an exercise regimen that has been meticulously crafted by the most accomplished experts and is specifically tailored to their needs, as previously mentioned.

For novices, we currently offer a resistance exercise schedule that spans a full month and divides into two 15-day exercise periods, each based on the upper and lower systems. This system has demonstrated its effectiveness for both novices and professionals. Continue reading to acquire additional information. 

 Week one and week two

 The initial day: an upper-level day 

1. Perform exercises for the high torso using the Incline Hammer Strength Machine.

We begin the first day of the resistance exercise schedule for beginners by focusing on the upper body. During this day, we concentrate on the upper body muscles, with a particular emphasis on the chest muscle. It is one of the most effective and simple chest exercises to perform.

2. Flat Dumbbell Chest Press 

The dumbbell chest exercise is the most renowned exercise in the world of bodybuilding for targeting the chest muscles. Numerous sports champions and icons, including bodybuilding champion Ronnie Coleman and champion Jay Cutler, prefer this chest exercise over any other exercise. In the beginner resistance exercise schedule, we will now move on to another exercise for the chest muscles.
This exercise targets the complete chest muscles, with an additional emphasis on the middle fibers. Perform the exercise for 10 to 12 repetitions, alternating between reps until you reach muscle failure in three sets.

3. Lateral Raises with Dumbbells 

The next step involves exercising the lateral shoulder muscle, which is an easy muscle to focus on. Despite its diminutive size, it prominently reveals one’s size as well as its aesthetic shape, which provides a three-dimensional appearance to the shoulder. 
We specifically designed this exercise to target the lateral shoulder muscles. We recommend refraining from moving your back or opening or closing the elbow joint to maximize its effectiveness. Instead, concentrate on drawing the weight from the elbow. This will result in a more pronounced effect. Perform the exercise for 10 to 12 reps, allowing two reps to remain until you achieve muscle failure in three sets.

4-Seated Rows Wide Grip Front Pull-Ups 

 Certainly, we will not overlook the back exercises, particularly the front pull-ups, as they have the most significant impact on the thickness of the back muscles. This, in turn, gives the body a larger size and naturally reveals the details of the muscles. We recommend incorporating at least two front pull-ups into your beginner resistance exercise program each week.
Perform the exercise for 10 to 12 repetitions, resting between each rep until you reach muscle failure in four repetitions. This wide grip specifically targets the lats, trapezius, and posterior shoulder muscles, which are the upper back muscles. 

5. Concentrating Bicep Curls with Dumbbells on the Bench 

On the first day of the beginner resistance exercise schedule, we will focus on the arm muscles. We will commence these exercises with a robust biceps exercise, which is particularly beneficial for beginners who have a stronger arm than their counterpart. This exercise is particularly effective because it targets each arm separately, which enhances its strength. 
The dumbbell biceps exercise does not concentrate on a particular head of the muscle; rather, it targets both heads simultaneously. To execute this exercise correctly, position the elbow joint inside the knee, not above it. Additionally, avoid moving the elbow joint from its position. Perform the exercise for 10 to 12 reps, leaving two reps remaining, until you achieve muscle failure in three sets.

6. Cable Pullover for Triceps

Secondly, it’s important to understand that the triceps muscle consists of three heads. In order to achieve muscle coordination between the heads and improve arm shape, it is critical to focus on each head equally.
The long head of the muscle, a primary motor in numerous other exercises like the bench press and shoulder press, receives particular attention in this exercise. As a result, it is critical to keep this head healthy. Perform the exercise for 10 to 12 reps, allowing two reps to remain until you achieve muscle failure in three sets.

The second day was one of decline. 

1. Squat exercise performed on the squat machine 

We begin the second day of the resistance exercise schedule for beginners, known as the lower day. We dedicate this day to performing lower body exercises, utilizing a variety of equipment such as free weights and devices. This system will assist you in achieving results more quickly and professionally. 
Squats are a compound exercise that targets all leg muscles, with a special emphasis on the front leg muscles. To prevent injuries, begin with modest weights and complete the full range of motion. Execute the exercise for 10 to 12 repetitions, maintaining one rep until you reach muscle failure in three sets.

2. Lunges 

Then, we proceed to another exercise, this time a free-weight exercise. You can execute this exercise with dumbbells or without them, based on your personal preference. This exercise induces the secretion of body-building acids, including lactic acid.
This exercise, like the previous one, targets all leg muscles, with a particular emphasis on the front leg muscles. It is crucial to incorporate this exercise into the resistance training regimen of beginners. Perform the exercise for 10 to 12 reps, allowing one rep to remain until you achieve muscle failure in three sets.

3. Laying Leg Curls 

If you are seeking a resistance exercise regimen for beginners, it is crucial to focus on all of the leg muscles equally. Consequently, we have developed this exercise, which is particularly effective because it isolates the muscles in a unique manner.  No other exercise is capable of targeting the muscles of the rear leg in the same way. Execute the exercise for 10 to 12 repetitions, maintaining one rep until you reach muscle failure in four sets.

4. Hip Abduction Machine 

It is imperative that a resistance exercise regimen for novices include exercises that utilize this highly effective device, as it offers numerous benefits, including the ability to enforce a precise and comprehensive range of motion. This is particularly advantageous for novices, as it expedites their development. 

 On this device, we are currently focusing on the outer glutes exercise, and it is critical to pay attention to the small muscle that connects the upper and lower body. Execute the exercise for 10 to 12 repetitions, maintaining two repetitions until you reach muscle failure in three sets.

5. Standing calf raises 

We will now proceed to the conclusion of the leg exercises on the second day of the novices’ resistance exercise schedule. It is critical to prioritize calf muscle exercise because it is responsible for supporting the entire body weight during daily activities, not just exercise. We wrap up these exercises with this simple yet effective workout.
The machine-based calf exercise primarily targets the two outer segments of the calf muscle. Training these heads, which are visible from the outside, is crucial to ensure coordination of the entire body’s muscles. Execute the exercise for 10 to 12 repetitions, maintaining one rep until you reach muscle failure in four sets.

6. Leg raises 

It is critical to include abdominal exercises in your beginner resistance exercise schedule, as the abdominal muscles are directly involved in the execution of numerous compound exercises that necessitate strong energy generation. The abdominal muscles are the most effective source of energy. 

 This exercise targets the lower abdominal muscles in a unique manner, as it directly stimulates the body to increase focus during the exercise, thereby strengthening the neuromuscular communication in this exercise and the rest of the exercises. Repeat the exercise 15 times, alternating between sets until you achieve muscle failure in three sets.

Day 3: Day of Rest 

Day 4: The Fourth Day 

1. Decline Cable Flys: Perform lower chest exercises on the cable.

The fourth day of the beginners resistance exercise schedule, which is the second upper day in our schedule, commences with a robust exercise that activates the chest muscles. The cable’s opening movement aims to expand the muscle’s range of motion, thereby enhancing its endurance and accelerating the exercise’s outcomes.
The lower chest muscles are the focus of this exercise. It is crucial to include all angles of the chest in your beginner’s resistance exercise regimen in order to improve muscle coordination and shape. Continue the exercise for 10 to 12 sets, making sure to reach muscle failure in the third set.

2. Lat Pulldown with Close Grip 

Then, we proceed to target the back muscles with a pull-up exercise from above in a resistance exercise schedule for beginners. As we previously discussed the benefits of pull-up exercises and their role in increasing the thickness of the back muscle, we are now discussing the benefits of pull-up exercises from above for the back muscles. These exercises stand out for their ability to reveal the back and highlight the intricate details of the body’s width.
This narrow grip in the high draw targets the external back muscles, or lats. It is crucial to exercise a specific portion of the back muscle by performing a pull-up from the front and a pull-up from the top in order to maximize the muscle’s benefit. Perform the exercise for 8 to 10 reps, allowing one rep to remain until the end.

3. Front raises with dumbbells 

To ensure that your beginner resistance exercise schedule is professional, it is critical to incorporate front shoulder exercises. Paying attention to all shoulder muscles is crucial, as they significantly influence other muscles that require strong shoulder muscles, like the chest muscles worked with dumbbells and bars.
This exercise primarily targets the front shoulder muscles, which are among the small muscles that do not require excessive weights. Rather, they require an appropriate weight that allows for a complete range of motion and proper performance. Perform the exercise for each arm, allowing two reps between each set, until you achieve muscle failure in three sets.

4. Fly Machine with Rear Delt 

As previously mentioned, it is crucial to pay attention to all shoulder muscles. However, the back shoulder muscles function as an auxiliary muscle in numerous back exercises, particularly front pull exercises. Therefore, a single exercise is sufficient to target this muscle in a beginner resistance exercise regimen. 
The butterfly device targets the posterior shoulder muscles in a unique manner when used in reverse. The exercise’s potent impact stems from its ability to isolate the target muscle from any potential conflicts. Perform the exercise for 10 to 12 reps, allowing two reps to remain until you achieve muscle failure in three sets.

5. Hammer curls with dumbbells for the biceps 

We will now proceed to target the biceps muscles with one of the powerful exercises in the beginner resistance exercise schedule. Contrary to the common belief among many beginners that the biceps muscle is the only one located in the front of the arm, there is another muscle that, despite its diminutive size, provides the arm with a perfect full shape. 
This exercise is unique in that it targets two primary muscles in the arm shape: the precordial muscle, which we previously discussed, and the anterior forearm muscle. We do not recommend incorporating an exercise for these two muscles into your beginner resistance exercise regimen. For each arm, perform the exercise for 10 to 12 repetitions, allowing one rep to remain until you achieve muscle failure in three sets.

6. Kickback of the triceps cable 

The triceps muscles are now the primary focus of the beginner resistance exercise regimen. This is one of the most effective triceps exercises because the cable effectively isolates the triceps muscles.
This exercise targets the small outer head of the triceps muscle, and as a result, we have targeted all heads of the triceps muscle during the first and second weeks of our starter resistance exercise schedule. Execute the exercise for 10 to 12 repetitions, maintaining one rep until you reach muscle failure in three sets.

Day 5: A Day of Decrease 

1. Single-leg press 

We wrap up the exercises from the first and second weeks of the novice resistance exercise schedule with a dedicated lower body exercise day. We commence with this potent exercise that targets each foot individually. This will correct the leg imbalance and reduce the likelihood of one leg being stronger.
This exercise directly targets all of the leg muscles, with a particular emphasis on the muscles of the back limb. Recommendation: Position the leg in the upper half of the designated area to effectively target the rear leg. Execute the exercise for 8 to 10 repetitions, maintaining one rep until you reach muscle failure in three sets.

2. Side lunges 

 3. Romanian Deadlift

We now concentrate on the leg muscles once more with a robust compound exercise such as this one. This is one of the few exercises that targets multiple muscles at the same time. I apologize for the beginner’s resistance exercise schedule.

4. Leg extension machine

We then proceed to target the leg muscles in a more isolation-capable manner, as this exercise is highly effective in isolating them. In addition to being one of the exercises that stimulate the secretion of lactic acid within the muscle, it is also one of the factors that contribute to the muscle’s growth and improved food delivery.

5. Seated Calf Raises

On the second lower day of the beginners resistance exercise schedule, we conclude the leg exercises with a unique exercise that targets the internal calf muscles. Despite its unassuming appearance, this muscle is considered a critical component of the body’s equilibrium and its ability to perform daily activities.
In three sets, perform the exercise for 10 to 12 reps, allowing one rep to remain until muscle failure.

6. Crunches with Cable Weights

Here, we conclude the first and second weeks with a strong abdominal muscle exercise using cable device weights. The abdominal muscle, like the rest of the body’s muscles, requires external weights to enhance the benefits it receives.

Day Six: Rest

Day Seven: Rest

You have the option of either engaging in simple exercises that solely activate the body, such as running, walking, spinning, or even ascending stairs, or you can advantage of this day to experience complete relaxation.

Cook, Motivationist and Nutritionist.

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